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What Every 30-Something Should Know About Their Fertility

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  • Written By: Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
What Every 30-Something Should Know About Their Fertility

Understanding Your Fertility in Your 30s

Congratulations, you’ve made it through your 20s! Though the past decade might have brought about a ton of memories, it’s time to start tackling your 30s. For many, that could come with the idea of starting a family. Whether that’s now or five years down the road, here is everything you should know:

Educate Yourself on the Real Odds of Conception.

On average, your chance of getting pregnant when in your 30s each month is about 20 percent. Fertility does decline around age 34 to 35, with one common issue being the quality of eggs. You see, while men are able to produce sperm throughout their years, women are born with all of their eggs. And over time, women’s eggs decline in both number and quality.

Begin to Track Your Ovulation.

Remember when you thought simply having sex would result in a pregnancy? In reality, the time of the month plays a key role here, known as the fertile window. Every woman has a different fertile window — or the days in a woman’s cycle where pregnancy is possible — and tracking your cycle can help you approximate your ovulation.

Don’t Forget to Consider the Role Your Birth Control Plays.

For some women, if you’ve been on a regular birth control routine (five years or more), it may take time for your body to get on a regular ovulation routine. While for others, pregnancy can happen immediately. Now is an excellent time to consult with your doctor about stopping or continuing birth control, especially if you experience irregular periods.

When to Seek Help Might Vary From Your 20s.

If you’re under the age of 35 and trying to conceive for a year without success (or over 35 trying for six months), schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist. A specialist will look at you and your partner’s reproductive health to determine what your next best course of action may be.

However, Your Treatment Options Are the Same as if You Were in Your 20s.

Your options may be the same, but the course of action and success rates do vary by age. Educating yourself early on and getting tested allows you and your partner time to find the best option for both of you.

This may include considering options for fertility preservation, like freezing your eggs. You can rest assured that the technology employed by ACRM for egg freezing is extremely safe and very effective for providing options for those women who wish to preserve their fertility for family building at a later date.

And Finally, Don’t Believe Everything You Read.

When it comes to your health, knowledge is power. In an increasingly digital world, it’s easy to research your questions, concerns, and symptoms online. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of misinformation circling the web regarding fertility. If you have questions about fertility, our Atlanta fertility specialists are here to help.