ACRM is actively monitors the coronavirus (“COVID-19”) outbreak and continues to prioritize the safety and well-being of our patients. We have an obligation to limit potential COVID exposure to our patients, employees, and medical treatment team. For patients who are symptomatic, we will perform testing prior to treatment. Patients with positive tests will be required to postpone or cancel their procedure.
Telehealth Appointments Available
Q: Should I get the Covid 19 vaccine?
A: There is very little data on the vaccine and pregnant women, since pregnant women were not included in the study trials. Information will continue to develop as more people, including pregnant women, receive the vaccine in the next 3-6 months. As with many drugs, data on pregnant women will likely be collected through a voluntary database (rather than a dedicated trial in pregnant women.)
The American College of Ob/Gyn (ACOG) is recommending that women at risk of Covid exposure (healthcare workers, teachers, etc) including those who are pregnant or trying to conceive, receive the vaccine.
Based on the mechanism of action of RNA vaccines, and the fact that the vaccine does not enter a cell nucleus and does not alter DNA, there is no plausible risk to fertility or pregnancy nor any risk that has been demonstrated to date.
If the vaccine is available to you, we would recommend getting it prior to pregnancy if possible. We will continue to follow emerging data closely over the next few months. If you are in the midst of a treatment cycle and have the option of receiving the vaccine, we recommend you avoid scheduling an embryo transfer, retrieval, or IUI transfer within 3 days of the vaccine due to the side effects (fever, muscle aches) that can sometimes accompany the shot.
Q: Does COVID-19 impact fertility?
A: Currently, there is no data or scientific evidence to suggest that COVID-19 impacts fertility.
Q: Do you recommend that I postpone any attempt at getting pregnant until the virus is contained?
A: We are not currently discouraging patients from attempting conception. However, please note that the impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy, especially early pregnancy, remains unknown at this time.
Q: Will COVID-19 increase my risk of miscarriage?
A: Currently, there is no information on adverse pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with COVID-19. Pregnancy loss, including miscarriage and stillbirth, has been observed in cases of infection with other related coronaviruses [SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV] during pregnancy. High fevers during the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the risk of certain birth defects. (Source: CDC)
Q: If I recently traveled abroad, will that impact when I start treatment at ACRM?
A: We recommend waiting two weeks after traveling to areas with reported cases of COVID-19 before you visit the office or clinic.
Q: How will you ensure that my eggs/embryos/sperm will remain safe in the lab?
A: ACRM, a CCRM network clinic, has some of the most state-of-the-art technologies available and implements some of the strictest lab standards and protocols in the industry, to provide our patients with the gold standard in patient care.
Q: What happens if I get exposed to COVID-19 during my IVF cycle?
A: If you have symptoms of respiratory distress, which is common with COVID-19, your IVF cycle will be canceled. You do not want to use anesthesia to suppress respirations even further, at a time that you are already compromised due to a viral infection. ACRM wants to protect our patients and our staff from a potential exposure, thus if you are ill your cycle will be canceled.
For current travel advisories and up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC’s COVID-19 website.