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Talking to Your Partner About Infertility

Talking to Your Partner About Infertility

Initiating a conversation about infertility can be a difficult task, especially when it comes to talking with your partner about it. However, it is an important step in your fertility journey to openly communicate with your partner to better understand what the other is going through.

If you’re having trouble starting the conversation, here are some points to consider:

There Are Two Sides to the Conversation

Even if you think you’re alone when expressing your fertility concerns with your partner, you’re not. When starting the conversation, remember that there are two of you trying to conceive — frame your thoughts with “we” statements to remind yourself that you are going through your fertility journey together.

Focus on the Facts

When facing the topic of infertility, making sure you and your partner understand the facts is imperative. The topic of fertility and fertility treatment can be easily misinterpreted — be sure you and your significant other are on the same page when it comes to knowing your options.

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

Hiding the issue of infertility from your partner may only cause more complications and strain in your relationship. Although you may be afraid to let your partner down, it is crucial that you and your partner both know what you’re up against — you’re more likely to overcome this roadblock together.

The earlier you have this seemingly daunting conversation with your significant other, the sooner you’ll feel better about your situation. The longer you keep it a secret, the more self-doubt, guilt, and blame may manifest in other areas of your relationship.

Ask a Professional

Hiding the issue of infertility from your partner may only cause more complications and strain in your relationship. Although you may be afraid to let your partner down, it is crucial that you and your partner both know what you’re up against — you’re more likely to overcome this roadblock together.

The earlier you have this seemingly daunting conversation with your significant other, the sooner you’ll feel better about your situation. The longer you keep it a secret, the more self-doubt, guilt, and blame may manifest in other areas of your relationship.

Infertility Treatment in Georgia

At ACRM, we’re here to ensure you receive the best treatment and care. We offer several treatments for infertility so that you and your partner can explore all the options. Contact one of our Patient Care Coordinators today.